Monday 23 January 2012

Oysters & Champagne Hotel Chocolat Giveaway

Valentines Day is only a few weeks away, and certain luxurious treats such as oysters, champagne and pearls have become synonymous with shows of love and celebration. These are all very well, but for a girl such as me, who is vegetarian, doesn’t really drink and can’t afford pearls such offerings are unlikely to get me excited. However, transform all those things into chocolate praline oysters with champagne truffle pearls and you’ve certainly sparked my attention.

This is one of the many ideal Valentines gifts being offered by Hotel Chocolat this year. This way you can give all the romantic treats in one, with the added luxury of some fabulous chocolate too! Much better (in my opinion) than being presented with a plate of cold and slimy oysters! Where’s the romance in that?

The oyster shells are filled with a smooth milk chocolate praline for extra indulgence and the accompanying ‘pearls’ are actually champagne ganache truffles in a thick chocolate shell. You can taste the champagne but it isn’t overpowering or too bitter as can be the case with some boozy truffles and as always, the Hotel Chocolat chocolate just melts in the mouth.

I am delighted to be able to offer one lucky person the chance to win their own box of Hotel Chocolat’s Oysters and Champagne. To win simply leave a comment telling me what you’re ideal Valentines Day treat would be (make sure to let me know how to get in touch with you if you win!)
You have until Saturday 28th to enter. Open to UK residents only. Good luck.


mummy24 said...

i would love a meal out with my husband - its not often we get to go out just the two of us these days!


Anonymous said...

Being 8.5 months pregnant and having my parents staying during their house move will slightly alter my valentine's plans this year. But I'm determined to make the most of being 2 before our little one arrives!

Amanda said...

Ooh, yummy chocs. Now that our two sons have left home we can eat out on our own whenever we like, so that's not much of special treat any more. But a Valentine's treat for me would be a long walk, followed by lunch in a pub and then a good film to watch in the afternoon, then my husband cooking supper. What could be better?

Unknown said...

A weekend away, preferably in the Cotswolds. Just the two of us.

Kim said...

Oh my they look amazing! Well I couldn't possibly eat them as I'm slimming for my wedding dress after my wonderful man proposed to me a couple of weeks ago! Our first valentines day as fiance and fiancee! I'm sure he'd love them tho! ;) Thank you for the chance to enter your give away x

Anonymous said...

My parents have the children and my partner & I have the night to ourselves, bliss, snuggle under the duvet, watch a movie and drink wine and eat choccies,mmm bliss

Kelly-Jane said...

I like a meal at home that I've cooked for my hubby. Some nice chocolates are absolutley essential too!

I wouldn't thank anyone for fresh oysters either, but chocolate ones with pearls are very clever.

Elle said...

That looks like a wonderful chocolate gift...and I know I'm not eligible. My favorite way to celebrate Valentine's Day is to go out to the ocean no matter what the weather is and walk on the shore with my Sweetie...then stop for clam chowder.

Rosita Vargas said...

Nice recipe they look delicious,hugs,hugs.

The Yorkshire Mum said...

we're off skiing at Valentine's, so a treat would be a fantastic meal out, and a lovely massage!

debmark said...

I would love a nice meal with my man followed by getting snuggy on the sofa watching a film with wine and chocolates xxx

Sarah Bailey said...

I would love to just spend the evening with my other half a nice movie and something lovely to eat :)

Anonymous said...

A man. That preferably looks like Ryan Gosling.

But chocolate would do I guess.

Anonymous said...

I would just love a day in bed! And mainly to sleep, have had hardly any time off from night shift since before Chrismas and I'm shattered. Mr B can pop in for a wee while so long as I get to sleep again after ;)

Unknown said...

To have a lazy day, just me and Husband. Nothing special, just lovely.


lucky321 said...

I would love to go to paris and be wined and dined in a romantic bistro with candlelight and soft music. Then have a walk along the moonlit river and enjoy the ambience of the parisienne city with my favourite man xx

Unknown said...

I'm Classic when it comes to valentines. Some champagne and chocolates go down really well. I also love to go to a good restaurant. X. Twitter... @starcatch3r

Anonymous said...

A nice quiet candle-lit meal would be perefect for me.

julio juegos de moto said...

Beautifull... very good!

maci234 said...

a nice meal out

contact address

Sarah Cooper said...

I would just love to have a quiet meal at home with my husband. That in itself is wonderful.

bloomers said...

A takeaway meal just me and my husband and a great movie we can watch getting cosy on the sofa, but the reality will be a takeaway with husband and two kids and all of us squashed on the sofa watching a Disney film, lol!

robertfox24 [AT] aol [DOT] com

denise walker said...

Hidden away from prying eyes,
suntan serving as disguise,
kissing my hubby under a coconut tree,
no about to bother me
lazying about, having fun - no one screaming " quick get mom"

downingarms said...

A meal with a good bottle of white wine at home,check out girl at Iceland included.@downingarms87

EmmaC said...

Long hot soak in essential oils with my lovely man, followed know what!...

emma howard said...

I'd love a night away with my other half but with no babysitter there's not much chance of that!

Anonymous said...

A nice quiet night in by the (gas) fire. :)

00AnnabelLee00 at gmail dot com

nikki said...

my ideal treat would be a dinner out with my darling daughters- having organic steak - and then gorgeous chocolate torte with vanilla ice cream - a spoon each to share it:)

Beverley said...

A couple of hours on our own - no phone, no interruptions, nothing! Not for what you think - it's the 20th anniversary of our engagement and I've sort of arranged a renewal of our vows..... I need a couple of hours to break it to him....30 minutes to get him drunk, 5 minutes to tell him, 10 minutes to insist that no family are coming, which leaves a hour and 15 minutes to argue about it!

Lorraine said...

a valentines treat for me would be some lovely flowers, i cant remember the last time my husband bought me flowers!!!!!!!

Kate O'Neill said...

I'd like to spend it in a remote cottage, somewhere on a windswept coast. There'd be a log fire, gentle music and copious amounts of gin. In fact, as long as there's the gin I don't really care where we spend it :)

kate78oneill [at] gmail [dot] com

Isis1981uk said...

A lovely night in a spa hotel getting a massage & romanced by my husband.

beans said...

i would share them with my wheat fee hubby , it would be great to treat him to somethin so simply scrumptious

DaisyBee said...

I would love some beautiful flowers from my other half this valentines day :)

karenlou said...

Would love a romantic meal with my partner, but knowing him it will be a takeaway in front of the tv!!

Anonymous said...

The most romantic thing my husband could do for me this valentines day is take me upstairs to the bedroom, and then immediately go downstairs to our 2yr old and 3yr old and leave me to get 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. BLISS!!!!!!

Drusilla said...

I'd love to go out to my favourite restaurant with my hubby and have a bottle of rose wine for me and some beer for him. @ MelJanie on Twitter

Laura said...

Wow, what a gorgeous box of chocolates!

My ideal treat would be for my husband to whisk me off for a romantic weekend in a snowy log cabin somewhere, with a roaring fire in the lounge and a hot tub on the balcony! It'd be nice to have a four poster bed too... and a box of these!! :)

Most likely we'll just be having dinner and a DVD at home though!

I am @Laura_Cookies on twitter! x

margf said...

For me it would be breakfast in bed, a long walk in the country and nice lunch together and evening together a home with a ox of chocolates.

Unknown said...

A night in glass of wine and a good film and hubbie of course.

Anonymous said...

My Valentines treat would be being able to actually spend it with my boyfriend. We work conflicting shifts and for the past 3 years he hasn’t been able to get it off. Big Boo! If I won however I would make these chocolates my date with a glass of wine. Dinner for 1?

Twitter: @carolanneclyde

riddlexic said...

Taking decadence to a new level. I fancy a box washed down with a bottle of Bollinger might be the ultimate treat

Claire Nelson said...

I am also pregnant so my idea of a treat this year is different to years when I can drink champagne and eat random cheeses! Therefore I would like a nice meal of fish and vegetables and a tub of ice cream for dessert!

Samantha jerome said...

I would love a weekend away with my husband in a secluded cottage in the Lake District.

Anonymous said...


Time to be wined and dined
Time away from the daily grind
Time to just sit chat and unwind
My perfect treat would be Time!

mrspao said...

My ideal Valentines would be a takeaway with my hubby and watching a movie snuggled under a blanket.

emma Gallagher said...

I would love to go for a meal or to a show with my husband, we rarely go out together as he works long hours and we have a 2 year old son so spending quality time with him would be my ideal valentines day.

Choclette said...

A day off work together with a lovely coastal walk followed by lunch and possibly tea out. I can but dream!

rena plumridge said...


Anonymous said...

Our son was born on 13th February 2008 and since then I have not had a sex drive so my ideal Valentines treat would a day child free (I dont like having time away from my son and its not often I do) with my partner on a warm sunny beach no one about apart from me my partner and a waiter. The waiter will serve a nice delicious meal with a nice Champagne for me and my partner. In the back ground some lovely soft romantic music will be playing, the sea will be softly hitting the rocks and a nice bright moon shining and some sweet romantic conversation between me and my partner. After the meal it would be great to have a slow romantic dance after a nice romantic night it would be great to head back to a 5* hotel with silk sheets on a king sized bed on the sheets there would be lots of scattered red rose petals.
After all this I hope I would get a bit of my sex drive back if I did not I don't know how I would get it back.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful surprise trip to our local aquarium with my boyfriend! I love visiting the aquarium and find it so peaceful.

Severe Rambler said...

I would love to cook my partner a nice meal at home and snuggle up with a bottle of wine and a film.

Anonymous said...

I would love a gorgeous man to come and find me, because I'm still waiting! So I suppose a box of choccies with a romantic film will have to do for us single ladies! woe is me!

new-mummy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John said...

I'm actually getting the best treat this year, as I will be seeing my partner actually on valentines day.

She works away at a school, so if its on term time (like last year) I won't see her.

so the ideal day? spending it together either in a local restaurant or nipping into london and grabbing something in china town.

jardieni said...

Chocolates all the way...and maybe some champers! (

mata777 said...

a balloon flight - I have always wanted to experience this...

new-mummy said...

forgot to put contact details on last comment so I'll try again!

I'm actually not a fan of Valentine's day and tend not to celebrate it at all! However I think random acts of thoughtfulness are very important in a relationship so if my hubby was to offer to get up with the kids it would definitely make my day :-)


m goodwin said...

I want to spend valentines day cuddled up on the sofa with my hubbie watching a nice film with a glass of bubbly and snacks ingsi

fiona maclean said...

I'm a real londoner. I'd like a personal capsule on the London Eye for me and my special man...with champagne and canapes...and of course some hotel chocolate oyster and champagne choccies

Alison said...

I lovely quiet night in with hubby nice food and a few nice bottles of red followed by truffles perfect said...

I would lay on the couch eating hotel chocolat, watching black and white film and drinking champagne

Natasha said...

Getting together at 'Chez Milly's' (named after the cat!!!), our very own 'home-made' restaurant that seems to pop up in our kitchen once a year! 17 years ago, cooking for each other and sitting at the table was all a bit of a novelty and a giggle - yet somehow all the fun and romance has led to 'Chez Milly's' becoming a venue for regular Valentine dinner dates ever since!!! I hear there are Oysters on the menu this year!

Anonymous said...

My ideal Valentine's treat would be to spend the evening with my partner a huge box of your lovely chocolates, a nice glass of wine and a good horror film! x:D

Anonymous said...

My day would strt with a lay in bed (I'm not greedy - until 7 will do me!). There's a day off work of course, full English breakfast (don't even mind cooking it myself!). Then there's a beatiful bracing walk along the beach, followed by a tiny bit of shopping for treats. Light lunch at home then an afternoon spent at the Spa (swimming, steam room, sauna, massage, pedicure maybe).
In the evening there is a nice dinner out in a posh hotel, with champagne of course! Then it's home earlyish to bed and a good nights sleep!!
Sue Warr

Patterry said...

I would love for me and my husband to go out for a lovely meal together as we used to. Sadly now he is disabled he does not want to go anywhere in the winter months as he says it is far too cold. I think perhaps Valentine's day should move to June.

emmaspeers said...

I am a traditional girl and love flowers and chocolates! As i've been on a diet, a night enjoying some delicious chocolates sounds like heaven! We're even making a smilling world 3 course valentines meal - so that we can warrant being a little naughty after! (plus it's a challenge! I love a challenge!) -

meena said...

it would be nice if my hubby did anything for valentines, he always moans it too comecialised. so this would be a treat to myself lol

Angie said...

I'd love a spa break with a lovely realxing treatment and gourmet meal, *sigh*!!

Vicky A said...

The ultimate treat would be for hubby to cook the dinner and then we can relax with a box of chocs in front of a film whilst DD has a good nights sleep - paradise!

Anonymous said...


jenny said...

Night off from the kids ;0)xx


Maya Russell said...

My ideal Valentine's night would be a surprise meal at a good restaurant with a bottle of wine or two to be shared.

Anonymous said...

I would like to spend the night in snuggled up with my boyfriend watching a romcom. We have just gone through a bit of a rocky patch so it would be nice to just spend a quiet evening together.

Steph Armstrong said...

A bottle of wine for just the two of us whilst having a cosy night in.

sheridarby said...

A meal out with my husband and a big box of chocolates in bed

Anonymous said...

a night in a hotel with my partner quality timme together

Anonymous said...

Id love a proper english afternoon tea somewhere posh its something ive always wanted to do

Bruce said...

a day off work would make everything special

Colette said...

Just a little bit of grown up time - a rarity with two little ones!

Diane said...

A very large box of chocolates since i'm not overweight at the moment.

ali thorpe said...

I would love a long walk along the beach, followed by a bottle of wine in front of the fire in a secluded beach house. Then, later on, a delicious meal in a small italian restaurant.


Charlotte said...

A candelit meal at home that I hadn't had to prepare or prompt for would be bliss :-)


Anonymous said...

a child free meal would be great


chris said...

A nice meal at home followed by champagne and chocs.

Machoo said...

My ideal valentines day would be to fly up to the very edges of space with a loved one, looking down onto Earth. Seeing one of the most beautiful and rare sights which would make that single moment so memorable and special.

tracy said...

I would just love for my Hubby to acknowledge Valentines day (he reckons it's just another money making racket),

A card would be wonderful for starters, then maybe the biggest bunch of roses delivered to me at work, followed by on arriving home a lovely warm candle lit bubble bath bottle of wine, and wonderful dinner cooked by my hubby, Oh well a girl can only but dream xx

Doodles said...

Chocolat Oysters
Glass of wine
Snuggled together
with hubby of mine :) said...

I think it would just be to actually find a man to share Valentine's Day with! Will be by myself this year, first in 9 years so I think I will try to stay away from all the loved-up couples. Instead I will have a Bridget Jones evening with DVDS, Chocolate, wine and most definitely singing :O)

Anonymous said...

I would love to be whisked away for a spa weekend. Cannot see that happening though!!

Ingrid M said...

I would love to have a nice meal with my husbdand and then maybe a nice walk on the beach.

lempers said...

some quality time togrther over a meal with champagne and hopefully chocolate oysters


dragonfly63 said...

A lovely sunny day so that I can get out into the garden and plant up the raised vegetable bed that my husband finished for me last Valentines Day - he couldn't have given me a better pesent andone that pays so many dividends during the year.

Anonymous said...

i would like him to cook me one of his amazing gluten free pizza's, including wonderfully light bread base, accompanied by some nice wine and followed by hotel chocolat chocs! true love is someone making me a gf pizza from scratch :)

Katie said...

My ideal Valentines Dat would be have a night just me and my man a night away from everyone where we can truely be alone maybe watch a film and go to bed ;)

Jenny Exley said...

Apple and Spice and everything nice, Fantastic goodies at a decent price.
My hubby thinks the site is a delight, looks like I am in for a fantastic Valentines Night !!
Moneys tight and times are hard, we will make do with homemade cards.
Oyster and bubbles would be so great !!
Makes us remember our first date !!
Love makes the world go around, I know that my love forever has been found !!
Happy Valentines to you all, I hope like me, you will have a ball!!!

BlondeBiochemist said...

Perfect treat would be probably some excellent meal accompanied by champagne and something sweet afterwards - traditional but classy

Catherine Gregory said...

To actually have a man on Valentines Day would be nice lol. A meal out somewhere nice and a box of chocs for after would be lovely

lastkisstoo said...

At the age of 41 I think a lovely card or bunch of flowers from an anonymous admirer would be very exciting...haven't had a proper 'from your secret valentine' gift since primary school!

Anonymous said...

I would just love my husband to buy me a card that has a lovely verse...shows that he has taken time to read instead of picking any old card up!

Jenny Miller said...

A day of doing not very, and a nice meal out. Except this year i will be away visiting grandchildren because its half term.

bridgegirl said...

My ideal treat would be snuggled up with hubby on the sofa with a scrummy box of chocs! Not something we do these days sadly!!

sherrill said...

Sorrento overlooking the volcano with a bottle of chilled champagne. Lovely

jackie said...

sleeping in my own bed, after a 14 hour flight back from South Africa, Bliss

Rob Wyborn said...

My perfect Valentines Day would be meeting my fiance in London and surprising her with a trip on the Orient Express to Paris for Dinner and a walk by the Seine, then flying home.


Hazel Christopher said...

My perfect Valentines day treat would be a day off from the housework, I'm pretty easily please :)


Mountaingoat said...

I would love my boyfriend to feed me a middle eastern candlelit meal he'd cooked himself and remember something that Ive told him i love .. then surprise me! He would of course be duly rewarded! :)

Mountaingoat said...

David said...

A perfect Valentines evening for me and my lovely lady would have to be a campfire and a picnic meal on the sand dunes on a beach I know in Wales. Just us, the fire and the stars!

relisys222 said...

I would love a meal cooked for me - I cook every day for the family and it would be a real treat for someone to do it for me for once :-) thanks for the chance to win such a fab prize @relisys222

Mellissa Williams said...

a meal out with my hubby xxx

BeX said...

A day off work, flowers, and a bucket of chocolates! Then lunch at a romantic restaurant and tea in front of a roaring fire.

emma said...

hmmm would be a nice spa day somewhere romantic - i can dream

Sharon said...

I would love an overnight babysitter so my husband and I could spend a lovely evening together just the two of us - a rare event with a 10 month old!

Cathy said...

A day off work to get prepared for a night of fine dining
at a cosy little restaurant followed by some latin dancing and home to a cosy fire, champagne and chocolates and the rest of the evening I'll leave to your imagination.

Lindy said...

A winter's walk along the beach with hubby, fish and chips and a glass of cider in a nice cosy local pub with a log fire (I'm a cheap date me - lol!)


Polotoo said...

A lovely romantic night in with my man, good food, nice company, a bottle of bubbly and maybe some nice chocs too ;) said...

I will make for my boyfriend my own special/secret cake and coctail,champagne mixed with vanilla icecream and topped up with chocolate sprinkles.:))

Kim W said...

I'd love a cup of tea and/or breakfast in bed, a box of Hotel Chocolat chocolates (the best)and spending some quality time together.
It's not the money, it's the thought.
@ tinselgirl on twitter.

Ian Campbell said...

Instead of the usual flowers and chocs, I'd love an apple tree which, when planted, will bear delicious fruit year after year.