Sunday 8 February 2015

Swirled Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies

These brownies are dangerously addictive. Brownie and cheesecake on their own are delicious, but combine them together and they are amazing! So rich fudgy, chocolaty, creamy indulgence. These were so good my family nearly came to fisticuffs over the size of the slices people were devouring in one sitting.

I’ve never made cheesecake brownies before. It decided to make them on a sudden whim and after adapting my favourite brownie recipe to be topped with a creamy dreamy cheesecake layer these brownies were born. It was one of those light bulb moments where I suddenly realised I’ve been missing out on something so delicious, all these years, followed by the realisation that regular brownies just aren’t going to cut it any more.

I know you must be thinking ‘come off it, it’s only a brownie’ but trust me, these are good! Just look at those soft swirls of creamy cheesecake mingling with the deep fudgy chocolate brownie. A perfect pairing, a marriage made in heaven, the ying to the yang – however you want to say it this is one tasty combo.

These are best eaten straight out the fridge, when the brownie has become almost fudge-like. Dense, rich and intense. If you like cakey brownies then these are not for you.

If you leave the brownies to come to room temperature they are a little softer and lighter. I have also discovered that if you give them a 10 second blast in the microwave they are transformed into a soft, melting, gooey molten chocolate pudding which is also amazing.

If you want to really tip them over the edge, eat a piece cold from the fridge but drizzle it in warm salted caramel sauce…. mmmmmmmmmm…there are no words…

These would make the perfect treat for Valentines day next weekend. Feed your special someone these and you’ll have their heart forever*
*(scientifically unproved)

Swirled Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies

140g butter
170g dark chocolate, around 60-70%
180g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 eggs
65g rice flour
5g tapioca starch
10g cocoa powder
½ tsp gluten free baking powder

150g cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla extract
50g caster sugar
1 egg

Preheat the oven to 175C. Grease and line the base and sides of a deep 8inch/20cm square tin and set to one side.
To make the cheesecake layer, place the cream cheese into a small bowl and beat with a spatula until soft and smooth. Add the vanilla and sugar and mix to incorporate. Beat in the egg until well combined and set to one side. It will be quite runny, this is fine.

To make the brownies, break the dark chocolate into pieces and place into a large bowl along with the butter. Melt gently over a pan of simmering water until smooth. (The water should not touch the base of the bowl)
Remove the bowl from the heat and stir in the vanilla and the sugar. Beat the eggs in one at a time until glossy.
Sift over the flour, tapioca starch, cocoa powder and baking powder and beat with a spatula until no flour streaks remain.
Pour three-quarters of the batter into the tin and smooth into an even layer.
Pour all of the cheesecake mixture over the top. Use a spoon to place dollops of the remaining brownie batter in random blobs over the top of the cheesecake layer. Use a skewer or tip of a sharp knife to drag it into swirls. You want the cheesecake layer to still show through.
Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until the top looks set but the cheesecake still has a slight wobble to it.
Allow to cool almost completely in the tin before removing. Transfer the brownie to the fridge and chill for at least 2 hours before cutting into squares. It can be made the day before.
Store in the fridge and eat within 5 days. Serve with warm salted caramel sauce for extra indulgence.
Makes 1 x 8ich/20cm brownie

Note: Eat straight from the fridge for a dense ultra fudgy brownie or allow it to come to room temperature for a softer eat. Slices can also be gently heated in the microwave which transforms it into a soft gooey molten chocolate dessert.


  1. these look amazing - and so tempting - I am just wondering when I can making them even though I am trying to be a little healthier after the festive season. And I know they must be good when I look at how much chocolate is in them - oh please be mine!

  2. I love the fudgey intensity of brownies and don't really go for cake like brownies (that's a cake to me! :P) so I would absolutely love these Katie! :D

  3. I love a cheesecake brownie - it's taking two awesome things and combining them to make another awesome thing!
    You got a lovely distinct swirl

  4. That's so funny...... I had every intention of making cheesecake brownies last weekend (I have never made them before either), but thanks to my daughter throwing a major (and very lengthy) hissy, all baking plans were ditched!
    These look amazing...... They would have been the perfect antidote to all that argumentative, angry stress!!!

  5. Wow! Not only do they look delicious, but the photos make me want to bake some right now. Yum


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