Sunday 18 January 2015

Mini Batch Buttermilk Sultana Scones

I love a freshly baked scone, you can’t beat them when they are still warm from the oven and are most certainly best devoured the day they are made. However, this can sometimes prove a problem when there is only 1 or 2 of you in the house. Typical scone recipes make at least 8 scones, and yes you can freeze them or reheat them, but they are never quite the same.

Recently when the scone cravings called, I decided to do some experimenting and create sultana scones for the single girl. A small batch perfect for devouring while still warm and fresh from the oven.

5 batches of scones later (I’m not kidding) I had created not only a small batch scone recipe, but also a greatly improved, tastier, fluffier and taller scone recipe than my previous attempts. Hurrah. I admit I did use a pre-made flour blend, something which I tend to avoid these days, but for such a small batch of scones, quick and simple is the way to go.

The secret to the scones is the drop of vanilla and buttermilk, which I am convinced help create light and fluffy scones with a delicious flavour. I also decided to add a few sultanas which add a lovely sweet and juicy addition, but they are of course optional. You could add choc chips, chopped nuts or simply leave them plain if you prefer.

Savoured warm from the oven, spread with your favourite jam (and lashings of cream if you like) these scones are hard to beat. They can be made from raw ingredients to freshly baked scone in 20 minutes – what more could you want? Plus, the small batch means you can enjoy freshly baked scones every day!

Mini Batch Buttermilk Sultana Scones
40ml milk
45ml buttermilk
¼ tsp vanilla extract
100g gluten free plain flour (I used Doves Farm)
1 tsp gluten free baking powder
10g caster sugar
¼ tsp xanthan gum
20g sultanas
20g cold butter

Preheat the oven to 220C. Line a baking tray with a sheet of greaseproof paper.
Stir together the milk, buttermilk and vanilla extract in a small bowl and set aside.
Add all the dry ingredients, including the sultanas, into a bowl and stir together. Cut the butter into small cubes and add to the dry ingredients. Rub the butter into the flour mix using the tips of your fingers, lifting it and letting it fall back into the bowl as you rub them together until the mix resembles breadcrumbs. A few larger clumps of butter is fine.
Pour over the milk mixture and mix into the flour briefly using a round bladed butter knife until it begins to form a dough.
Tip the mixture out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead gently to form a soft dough, don’t overdo it, it will be a little sticky.
Pat the mixture into a thick rectangle, around 1inch thick. It should be just big enough to stamp out 2 scones using a 5cm/2inch round cutter. Press the cutter down straight and do not twist or else they may rise wonky. Gather the scraps together and form them into a final scone by patting the mixture into the cutter to form the shape (no leftovers!)
Place the scones on the baking tray and brush the tops with a little milk. Don’t let it run down the sides.
Bake in the oven for 10 minutes until risen.
Transfer to a cooling rack to cool for 10 minutes before serving. Best eaten on day of baking. Re-warm any leftover scones in the microwave for 10-15 seconds before eating.

Makes 3 scones


  1. Ooh I love a mini batch! I feel as though these were made for me because I love scones but it is just hubby and I and he doesn't eat them! :P

  2. I see no problem in having to eat them all in a day!

  3. Mmmmm...Scones! These look lovely. I agree it is an interminable problem of how to have them fresh. The easy way is to eat them all in one go and waddle to the gym guiltily! Mini batch is a far better idea!!! I often freeze them ASAP and then warm them in the microwave which brings them back to life....

  4. The texture looks very impressive and I would appreciate a small batch of scones - I can usually eat them the next day so I sometimes halve a batch and that is fine for us. My mum swears by buttermilk in her scones.

  5. Oh well done Katie, they look scrumptious. I must admit I always use buttermilk, yoghurt or whey in my scones and it makes such a difference.


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