Thursday 23 July 2009

The Kreativ Blogger Award

A few days ago I was given The Kreativ Blogger award by two lovely ladies, Nora from Nora The Kitchen ‘Splorer and TracieMoo from Bitter Sweet Flavours. Thanks girls, it brought a huge smile to my face.

The Kreativ Blogger Award comes with some rules:
1 Thank the person(s) who has given you the award (Thank you Nora & TracieMoo!)
2 Copy the logo and place it on your blog
3 Link to the person who has nominated you for the award
4 Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
5 Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers
6 Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate
7 Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they've been nominated

Seven Facts about me:
1) I adore cake in any form, from light and fluffy to dense, spiced and fruity – I’d have cake over a bar of chocolate any day.

2) I don’t enjoy shopping for clothes but will never pass up the chance to explore a food market or bakeware shop.

3) Like Nora, whenever I visit a restaurant the first section I look at is the desserts.

4) The Sound of Music is probably my favourite film – whenever I was ill off school I always used to watch it, lying on the sofa snuggled under my duvet. Even though they keep bursting into song throughout the film, I find this is part of its charm and yet modern films do this it irritates me – strange.

5) I hate throwing food away and often have lunches consisting of 2 days of previous meal leftovers, such as cold potatoes, salads, breads, quiches, even boiled carrots – they make great houmous and veg sarnies! and if breads getting a little dry then I toast it or dip it into soup.

6) I have just found out that I have obtained a 2:1 degree in Food & Nutrition from uni!! Now busy job hunting with little success (I want to do more the practical food side than the nutrition side – bakery, recipe testing, magazines etc so if anyone’s got any jobs going…)

7) I never put butter on my bread if adding another topping. I find jam, houmous or pickle etc add enough of their own moisture.

The next seven 'Kreativ Blogger' holders I would like to pass the award onto are:
The Caked Crusader – a fellow sponge pudding enthusiast and her custard tart recipe is divine!

Nic of Cherrapeno – a lovely blogger who shares my love of exploring foodie markets and shows.

Sam of Antics of A Cycling Cook – some wonderful recipes, making the most of fresh seasonal produce.

Rosie of Baking Cakes Galore – a fellow baking enthusiast with some great recipes for afternoon tea.

Snooky Doodle Cakes – a cake decorating master!

Johanna of Green Gourmet Giraffe – a fellow vegetarian and a great source of inspiration when I’m stuck for ideas of what to make for dinner.

Karina of Karina’s Kitchen – a gluten free goddess who proves avoiding gluten doesn’t mean missing out on tasty meals and treats.

All wonderful bloggers with such fun and creative flair and a great writing style.


  1. wow thankd for the award. although i m not a cake decorating master :) congratulations for the award too :)

  2. Thanks for the award Katie! It's very much appreciated.

    I'll get it posted soon!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for the award and many congratulations on the degree - hope you find the job of your dreams soon

  5. I have nominated you as well. Love your blog.

  6. Thank you for the inclusion. I appreciate it- such creativity in this group! Take care and be well. xox

  7. So, so envious of your divine blog. I am a cake worshipper - it is the one thing that gets me though good and bad times. Just finished reading Jane Brockets "Cherry Cake & Ginger Beer" which I think you would love - I have talked about it in my own blog and had a big response xx

  8. Thanks Katie - that is so nice to hear that my recipes inspire you

    I love the sound of music too but always feel that fear in the graveyard scene

    congratulation on the award and your marks - good luck with the job hunting

  9. Congratulations katie on your award well deserved!

    Thanks you SO much Katie for this wonderful award and for thinking of me!!

  10. Thank you so much Katie!

    I am with you on No 2 and 3!!


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