Wednesday 1 October 2008

Oaty Melting Moments

These cookies are very light and tender. They have a crisp outer edge and a soft crumbly centre that melts in the mouth. The slightly unusual twist to these cookies, compared to other melting moment cookies I have seen, is that the dough is kept soft and sticky so that mounds of cookie dough can be generously rolled in oats before baking. This helps gives the cookies their crisp outer edge and a slightly nutty flavour.

I have fond memories of baking these with my mum when I was very young. We used to call them cornflake cookies as we often rolled them in lightly crushed cornflakes instead of oats. Either way they are delicious and must always be topped with half a glace cherry.

I’m now living back in Sheffield and in my final year of Uni and I’m sharing a flat with a lovely photography student called Amie. I am really excited by this as she has all the photographic know-how when it comes to taking pictures, as well as a nice camera, so we have agreed that if I help her learn to bake, she will help me out with some photos and afterwards we both get to eat the goods – it’s the perfect arrangement. It was dark outside when we had finished baking (we got the late night munchies) but Amie took these pics for me and I love how the cookies in the background fade into the distance while the front ones are still in focus. I have camera envy. If I pick up any good tips, I’ll be sure to pass them on.

Oaty Melting Moments
100g butter
75g caster sugar
½ egg beaten
1 tsp vanilla or almond extract
170g self raising flour
5-6 glace cherries
Rolled oats or lightly crushed cornflakes for coating

Heat the oven to 180C and line two baking trays with greaseproof paper.
Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
Crack the egg into a bowl, whisk until combined and then add half to the butter mix along with the vanilla or almond extract. Beat again until well incorporated.
Sift over the flour and mix well.
Scatter a layer of oats or cornflakes over a plate.
Take tablespoons of the batter (it will be sticky) and shape into rounds. Roll the dough in the oats/cornflakes until well coated.
Transfer to the baking trays and flatten slightly. Leave a 2inch gap between each one.
Cut the glace cherries in half and poke a half into the centre of each cookie.
Bake for 18-20 minutes until lightly golden and just firm to the touch.
Remove from the oven, allow to cool for a few minutes before transferring to a wire wrack to cool.
Makes 10-12 cookies


  1. These look really nice. I loved the banoffee pie. it looks deadly delicious :)

  2. What cute cookies! And any food that evokes memories is good to me!!

  3. We always used to make these in Home Ec, with my Mum - who happened to be the Home Ec teacher!!

  4. Melting moments are the best. I have photography envy too. I take all of my photos on my phone. I need a photographer :(

  5. That sounds like the perfect arrangement, Katie! Enjoy your final year and all your baking!

    The melting moments look really good, btw. I've never seen them rolled in oats (or indeed cornflakes) but I like the idea of it...

  6. Wow you are lucky to have her to take pictures.
    Cookies look yummy.

  7. Great cookies Katie! I just adore the cherry on top.

  8. These were one of the first things I ever baked - I love them! I lost the recipe so am delighted that you've shared it!

  9. These look great! I have all the ingredients in my cupboards so might just be baking this weekend!

  10. These look great, I love oatmeal cookies.

  11. I made these as planned tonight and they look great, really cute with the cherry on top!

    Only downside my fan oven cooked them a bit quicker than planned so not so melting middle but still taste good with a cuppa!

  12. Hi Anne,
    Thanks for the feedback. Thats the drawback with baking, different ovens bake differently. I probably should have said that if you use a fan oven then to reduce the temp by 10-15C.
    Glad you liked them.

  13. This really looks nice.


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