Tuesday 15 April 2008

Chilli Chocolate Muffins

I really like muffins. I love there soft and tender texture and their tall puffed up appearance, almost as if they are trying to burst out of their cases with self importance. However, you may have noticed that there are very few muffin recipes on this blog, for even though I love muffins, they do not love me, or rather they do not like being baked by me. More often than not I end up with a hard dense rock, a flat muffin with a crispy top or just cake. After trying quite a few recipes over the years I admitted defeat and accepted that I was one of those people that just couldn’t bake muffins.

All that changed when I happened upon a recipe for dark chocolate muffins on Baking Bites. They just looked so perfect, that I was longing to eat one and decided it was time to give muffins another shot.

I had been asked to make something using chilli and chocolate for the Monday Munchers this week and so decided that not only was I going to try making muffins, but that the muffins would come back with a kick.

I kept the muffin batter plain chocolate but added a little chilli powder and also stirred through some chunks of chilli chocolate to provide little pockets of spice. I tried to follow all the rules I have learnt about muffin making e.g. not over mixing the batter and allowing a few clumps to remain etc. Yet I was apprehensive when it came to filling the muffin cases as the batter looking a little thinner than I was expecting but I went ahead and baked them.

I didn’t dare look in the oven until the time was up and when I opened the oven door I couldn’t believe the tall muffins that greeted me. They had high domes and soft tops and smelt amazing. I kept expecting them to collapse while they were cooling, but they stayed standing proud.

They were very chocolaty and had a closely knit and tender crumb attributed to a muffin. The thing that pleased me most was how they didn’t develop a hard dry surface, but stayed soft and moist. The chilli flavour was quite subtle, but left a nice warm sensation in the back of your throat. Next time I may try using melted chilli chocolate in the muffin batter for more of a kick.

If you are in need of a good muffin recipe then use the one below and hopefully your muffin hunt will be over. You can of course leave out the chilli and use plain chocolate for a normal muffin. Thanks Nic for the recipe.

Chilli Chocolate Muffins
Adapted from Baking Bites blog
125g dark chocolate
110g butter
230g plain flour
100g soft light brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp chilli powder
2 large eggs
165ml buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla extract
100g chilli chocolate

Preheat oven to 175C.
Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners.
Melt together the butter and dark chocolate either in the microwave or a small saucepan.In a large mixing bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, chilli powder and baking powder.
Make a well in the center and the add eggs, buttermilk and vanilla extract.
Give a quick stir and then pour in the melted chocolate. Fold everything together using a large spatula until all the ingredients are incorporated. It’s ok for a few lumps to remain.
Chop the chilli chocolate into chunks and fold into the batter.
Divide the batter between the paper cases, filling three-quarters full.
Bake for 18-20 minutes until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean.Allow to cool for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire wrack to cool.
Store in an airtight container until required.
Makes 12-14


  1. I love the domes on your muffins. The idea of chilli chocolate muffins interests me but I bought a ridiculously spicy chilli chocolate muffins once which put me off the idea - maybe I need to try making my own

  2. Chilli Chocolate Muffins is the best when it melts so creamy and soft in your mouth and it slides down your throat. We Love chocolates, i have a fountain chocolate :D check this out

  3. They look absolutley perfect!

  4. I love the domes on your muffins!(I have dome envy) I love muffins but I have the same problem. When they do come out ok, the tops are flat.

  5. Chilli powder sounds like the key ingredient in these muffins. Glad they worked well for you, they sure look wonderful Katie.

  6. I have heard so much about this combo but never have tried making them.
    I once ate praline with chocolate and that was delicious.
    I too love muffins, just that when i make them i am going on eating them. So have to restrict myself.

  7. I love chocolate-chile anything!

  8. Gorgeous muffins! I love chili with chocolate as a combo :)

  9. I would never guess that you have bad luck with muffins - these look so perfect!

  10. I always have the same problem with my muffins too! These look fantastic - just perfect. I have some chilli chocolate and so perhaps this is the thing to do with it.

  11. I love the chili and chocolate combo, I home your group enjoyed them!

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  13. I love the way they crack over the top, makes them look even more delicious.

  14. These sound lovely! In love chilli and chocolate so will have to try them.

  15. If you get flat muffins try adding a little more baking powder


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