Sunday 2 March 2008

Super Granola

I am a huge fan of granola, but have always relied on the occasional expensive box from the supermarket, whilst telling myself that next time I would have a shot at making my own. This weekend I decided it was time to give it a go.

The result is this super granola, for not only is it packed full of super ingredients but it also tastes super too. It was so quick and easy to make and tastes far superior to the boxed stuff, I don’t know what took me so long!

After researching lots of variations, I decided to base my granola on a recipe from What’s for lunch honey? I liked how there was not too much fat or sugar in the recipe, as I wanted it to be healthy and not leave me with a sugar rush for breakfast. I chose to use both jumbo rolled oats and porridge oats for the base and also threw in some crispy wheat flakes for added crunch and texture. After a cupboard rummage I also added linseeds, pumpkins seeds, brazil and hazelnuts. I scattered over some ground cinnamon as I think this goes well with almost anything and replaced the usual honey or sugar with a light vanilla syrup that I had leftover in the fridge.

It was then into the oven for a quick bake before scattering over some coconut and returning it to the oven to get nice and toasty. Once baked I adding some super berries in the form of dried blueberries, goji berries and dried pear, I just love how bright and attractive they make it look.The aroma from the cinnamon and toasted nuts and coconut wafted throughout the house and smelt amazing, so warm and comforting that I couldn’t wait for it to finish cooling down and ate a bowlful with just a splash of milk while it was still warm.

Everything was crisp with the oats and nuts providing a wonderfully nutty toasted taste. The cinnamon with a hint of vanilla mingled perfectly and developed as you chewed with the sweet chewy fruit coming in at the end. It was so scrummy that I kept eating handfuls every time I went into the kitchen. There’s no way I’m going back to boxed stuff, from now on it’s homemade all the way. I love how it can be adjusted so easily to suit your own tastes, don’t like nuts? Leave them out. Hate raisins? Replace them with chopped apricots. I can’t wait to try out other flavour combinations.

Super Granola
100g jumbo rolled oats
50g porridge oats
100g wheat flakes
25g linseeds
35g pumpkin seeds
35g brazil nuts
25g hazelnuts
2½ tsp cinnamon
4 tbsp natural oil
3 tbsp vanilla sugar syrup OR honey with 1tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp water
20g unsweetened flaked coconut
35g dried blueberries
30g goji berries
35g dried pear

Preheat the oven to 170C. Line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper.
In a large bowl weigh out the oats, wheat flakes and seeds.
Chop the brazil nuts into quarters and the hazelnuts in half and add to the oats along with the cinnamon.
Thin down the vanilla syrup or honey in the water, stir in the oil and then drizzle it over the oaty mixture.
Use a spatula or large spoon and mix well, ensuring everything is lightly coated.
Scatter the mix onto the baking tray and place in the oven for 8-10 minutes until it’s starting to smell toasted and the edges are turning brown.
Remove from the oven and give everything a good mix to ensure even browning. Stir through the coconut and return to the oven for 8 minutes more. Keep an eye on the granola now as coconut can burn quite easily.
Remove from the oven. Dice the pear into small pieces and stir through with the rest of the fruit and leave to cool. Store in an airtight container.
Munch and enjoy.


  1. That looks great with lots of different ingredients!

  2. love the colourful muesli (granola) - I made some homemade recently and I agree it is so much better than the boxed ones - but the fruit really makes it - I like your goji berries - always wonder what to do with them but they look fab in this

  3. Your granola looks fabulous! I can't believe this is your first time. I love making my own ...especially choosing what goes in it.

  4. Thanks for the great recipe! I made some this week (with some slight variations) and I love it! I opted for additions of pumpkin and sesame seeds, flaked almonds, plus dried blueberries, cranberries and raisins! Almost can't wait until I run out so I can make another variety!

  5. Hi gleavem,
    Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you liked it. Your variations sound yummy, I know what you mean about wanting to bake more - its quite adictive!


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