Saturday 16 February 2008

Celebrating Apple & Spice with Spiced Apple Cake

It’s my blogs first birthday and what better way to celebrate a year of Apple & Spice than with a Spiced Apple Cake!

I can’t believe its been a whole year since my first cautious steps into blogging. I can still remember the thrill of that first comment – learning that someone had actually read what I had written. My enjoyment of blogging has continued to grow and I have YOU, the readers and fellow bloggers to thank for that. You have given me great friendship, encouragement, valued feedback and welcomed me into a new culinary community. So thank you and if you feel like joining in the celebration you can bake an apple cake or simply eat an apple – I’ll be happy either way.

Spiced Apple Cake
This cake is fantastically moist as it uses 3 large apples in the batter, some pureed and some diced, resulting in little pockets of appley goodness. I used cooking apples which ensured a prominent apple flavour while the accompanying mix of sugar and spices kept it sweet and flavoursome. A scattering of chopped walnuts provided a nice contrast to the soft apple. The surface of the cake cracked slightly when baking but it turned out beautifully flat and golden brown.
200g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp mixed spice
¼ tsp nutmeg
120g butter
100g soft brown sugar
2 eggs
1 Bramley apple
55g walnuts

For the apple puree
2 Bramley apples
150ml water
100g caster sugar

Preheat the oven to 175C. Grease an 8-9 inch spring form pan and line the base with greaseproof paper.
Start by preparing the apple puree. Peel and core the two cooking apples and dice into small chunks.
Place in a pan with the water and cook until softened and breaking down.
Mash the apple with a potato masher until you have a smoothish puree. Add the caster sugar and stir in well.
Allow to cook for 5 minute more and then remove from the heat and allow to cool while you prepare the cake batter.
For the cake, beat the butter and soft brown sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating them in well.
Peel and core and last cooking apple and either coarsely grate or finely dice it. Add to the egg mixture (don’t worry if it curdles) along with the cooled apple puree.
Scatter the flour, baking powder, bicarb and spices over the surface of the batter and fold into the mixture.
Chop the walnuts and stir though the apple batter. Give everything a quick beat to ensure its all incorporated and then pour it into the prepared tin.
Bake for 50-55 minutes until golden brown and springy to the touch.
Allow to cool in the tin for 15 minutes before releasing from the tin and leaving to cool.
Serve warm or cold for afternoon tea. Ice cream, cream or custard turn it into a delicious dessert.


  1. apples + cinnamon = match made in heaven

    looks and sounds great! happy anniversary!

  2. Now this looks delicious I do love Apple in cake - and there are never enough around.

    Well done on one year blogging

  3. I love how you made an apple & spice to celebrate your anniversary.

    Happy Blog-a-versary!

  4. Happy blog birthday! This cake looks like a wonderful way to celebrate!

  5. your cake looks lovely - am sure you will enjoy it even more for knowing it celebrates a year of good blogging!

    Congratulations on your anniversary. I am sorry not to have cooked some of the recipes from your blog yet - they are just waiting for the right moment which will happen as you really make me want to cook all that wonderful food!

  6. Happy blog-a-versary. Very appropriate birthday cake indeed - looks lovely, hope you had a big slice. :)

  7. Delicious cake Katie. I took the piece you gave me to work and enjoyed it with a cup of tea - thank you. I look forward to you coming home and making us a whole one to enjoy!

  8. Fantastic - I've been hunting around for a recipe like this, and haven't found quite what I wanted. My search is over - thank you! Looks fabulous, by the way...

  9. Happy blog anniversary. I so love a good apple spice cake. Its one of the few cakes I don't feel tempted to pile a ton of whipped cream on top of it. Its so good on its own.

  10. Delicious moist looking cake

  11. Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I came across your blog about a month ago. It was my first time to even read blogs. I read yours and saw the Daring Bakers logo. I read about them. I was so excited, I began my own blog! I have always loved to bake and cook, but had lately gotten in a slump. Now my excitement and enthusiasm for it has returned. My family thanks you!
    I have added your blog to my list of blogs I read often. Thank you!


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